Police and Athletes Partner Up for Buddy Shoot

Local police teamed up with athletes from Wayzata High School for a ‘Buddy Shoot’ this summer. The event took place in June at the Plymouth Gun Club in Minnesota.

Club volunteers first gave the officers a brief course about firearm safety rules and how trap shooting works. Then, about a half-dozen athletes partnered up with police – including the local Chief, Mike Greenstein – and took turns shooting at each post.
It was quickly apparent just which group would score the highest during the event, as officers had a bit of difficulty hitting the 42mph-flying targets. The officers took the challenge in stride however, and listened intently as the students gave pointers on aiming and stance.
“When kids and police usually interact, it’s often under the wrong circumstances ” said Jim Sable of Plymouth, President of the USA High School Clay Target League. “When the uniforms are off, however, everyone is the same.”
After shooting was done, the club hosted a picnic with hot food, cold soft drinks, and a chance for parents, athletes, and police to relax and mingle. The police also expressed their respect for the talents of the high-schoolers and the importance of hosting events such as this.
“This is a special event,” said Chief Mike Goldstein, “this a great way to bring the community together.”